Sharing the Word of Faith

"The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry;" Psalm 34:15 niv

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Location: Duncanville, Texas, United States

Janice is a Christian, wife, mother, grandmother and author. She writes fiction and non-fiction for adults and children, devotionals, short stories, and articles. She enjoys spending time with her husband and family, and her grandson is a pure delight. For previous author's interviews and other articles visit my Web site at:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Seeing is believing. . .or is it?

Have you ever told a friend about something that seemed too good to be true? Or something that was too preposterous to believe and the only way for them to believe would be to see it for their self? However, even after seeing it, they still didn’t believe, but instead thought there was some kind of trick involved. Much like with a magician. A slip of hand.

In John 6:16-36 we have the account of Jesus walking on the water after he fed the 5,000. Then He met the same people that were fed by the little boy’s lunch in Capernaum. These people had seen the miracle of the loaves and fishes, actually took part in the miracle. They heard a rumor Jesus somehow got to the other side of the lake, but didn’t board a boat to get there. They questioned how He got to Capernaum? They asked what they must do to do the works of God. They inquired as to what miraculous sign He would do so they could see and believe.

These people questioning Jesus are the same people that were just fed by a miracle. No doubt many of them had seen miraculous healings that Jesus had done with their own eyes. They had even heard Jesus was the Son of God. Yet they did not believe.

Jesus heard them grumbling, heard their complaints, even heard their discord, but he still had compassion upon them. He said, “I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life. I am the bread of life. John 6: 47-48 niv. He offered them life, still they did not believe.

There were many that day returning to their homes still in disbelief in what they saw. Or worst yet, they believed, but turned back to their old ways.

All that is asked of us is to believe without seeing, trust in His abilities, and have faith in the one true and living God. If we believe that God sent His Son Jesus for our sins, that all who believe upon Him shall not perish but have everlasting life, then we too will be saved.

We don’t need to see with our eyes to believe. The words that He has spoken to us are spirit and life. In faith we believe as we place our confidence in Him.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

God Moments

I had the opportunity to attend a small writing conference that offered several mini-workshops. The first day, my friends who were also attending the conference got to the class early. When I arrived, a woman was sitting where I thought I should have been sitting. Though I hate to admit it, I was a little piqued at my friends for not saving me a seat next to them, and a little disturbed at the women sitting in my chair.

After a few minutes of stewing, I told myself, Well ninny, you have an opportunity to meet someone new—go for it.

Not overly anxious to put myself forward because of fear of being rebuffed, I did anyway. I introduced myself. In turn, she did the same. I began making polite conversation with genuine interest. But to my every question or remark she gave a short and to the point answer. My one-way conversation was falling flat and going no where fast. After deciding it wasn’t my breath or smell turning her off, I determined I would continue to be friendly.

After completing a writing exercise, everyone had to read their story. When this woman read her piece, it exposed the reason for our one-way conversation.

From the time she was little, she had a hard time putting thoughts together except on paper, but there she excelled and wrote elegantly. Her learning disability and how she worked to overcome it, was a testimony to her hard work and tenacity. It was also the reason for her short answers to my questions. It wasn’t me or something I said after all. It had everything to do with her inability to articulate her thoughts. I was glad I had continued to be friendly.

Jesus said it so succinctly, If you are friendly only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even the heathen do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:47-48 LB

The Bible tells us to put our feelings—our inhibitions—aside, and emulate our Father. We are to be friendly to the friendless. How else are we to reach the lost? So often, that timid person or the person who is a little different than we are is looking for someone to show genuine interest and love and make them feel wanted.
We need to take advantage of those God moments—those appointed meetings. As Christians, we are to reach out to others known and unknown to us. We are to become friendly and show genuine love toward those we meet daily.

Father, when we have the opportunity to be friendly to those we do not know, help us take advantage of those occasions as a God moment for a new friend or witness of your love and compassion. May we look beyond our own familiar group and become available to those in need and alone. Teach us Your ways, Your love, Your kindness towards the lost and lonely. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.