"Who Touched Me?"
Scripture Reading: Mark 5:24-34; Luke 8:40-48
And Jesus said, “Who touched me? . . .” Luke 8:45a
A simple question, or was it?
With the people that were crowded around him, touching and possibly reaching for Him, how could He know? But, the moment the woman, with the issue of blood for twelve years, stretched out her hand and touched His hem she was made whole and He said, “. . . the power has gone out from me.” Luke 8:46b(niv)
Everyday we need to touch Him. We may not have a great need, as this woman did, but in this world that is begging for our attention and our affections, we need daily contact with Christ. We need His power to sustain us through times of testing, trials, and daily living. There is no other power that can banish the effects of this world like the power of Jesus Christ.
Whether Jesus is your only hope for your needs today or you just want His touch in your life, you can reach out and touch Him through your prayers of belief, through the Word of God, and through your praise. Just as the women with the issue of blood had faith to reach out, we need faith to reach out and touch Him and expect results.
Lord, help us today to know that You care and are concerned about us and want the very best for our lives. When we have a need of healing in our spirit, mind or body, please help us to have the faith to reach out and touch the hem of Your garment. We pray this in the wonderful name Jesus. Amen.
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