A Way of Escape
A few years back I worked as the personal assistant to the Vice President, Chief Counsel of a corporation and for his Associate Counsel. I loved my job. About six months after I was hired, the associate quit and a new man was hired for his position. I had expectations that everything would run smoothly and operate in the same manner.
Boy, was I ever wrong! My job went from wonderful, to terrible, then down hill from there.
Financially we couldn’t afford for me to quit. I complained and complained to my husband until one day I’d had enough. It was either quit a company and boss I loved to work for and hope and pray that I would find another one, or stay on my job. Staying on my job meant that I would have to put up with the constant nightmares I faced with this individual.
Yes, I talked to God about this person, his treatment of me, and how terrible he was. But there were no changes.
At the end of my rope, and ready to turn in my resignation, the verse in Matthew 5:44b “love your enemies and pray for those that despitefully use you” hit me square in the face.
I asked God, “What are You trying to tell me?” His answer struck a chord in my heart and mind. He didn't speak in an audible voice, but it was close enough. I knew in my heart what I was supposed to do. It was something I thought I was already doing, but on closer inspection, realized I hadn’t been doing it all.
“Pray for him, Janice, but also pray for your attitude to change towards him—then wait see what happens.”
Let me tell you, it wasn’t an easy prayer to pray. However, from that day forward, in my prayer time or when I couldn’t handle anymore verbal abuse from this individual, I prayed.
“God I don’t know what he’s been through or is going through right now, but help me to treat him decently, fairly, and help my attitude to change toward him”
Guess what? . . . it worked! My attitude changed.
David prayed, “May my words and my thoughts be acceptable to you, O Lord, my refuge and my redeemer! Psalm 19:14
I believe if our thoughts and words, and I’ll go a step farther, our actions also, are acceptable to God, He will be our refuge and redeem from those that would seek to do us harm. In other words, that guy on my joy making me miserable.
I’d like to report God changed him or moved him out of my life instantly, but it didn’t happen. My work was the same; his complaints were probably the same, I don’t remember. However, each day as I prayed, though God didn’t change him, He did change me.
I began to notice I wasn’t complaining anymore. I started loving my job once again. The man that could barely say a civil word to me, began to smile at me, and did less complaining about my work. Each day got better. The working atmosphere changed. The day-to-day situation was no longer a drudgery.
About a year later, this individual took a new position with another firm. However, it wasn’t important to me any longer for him to leave.
You may be going through circumstances beyond your control, but God is able to make a way of escape for you. He is aware of the situation you are in at this very moment. He is able to help in your time of need. As with me, it may not come in the form you expect, but if you ask for His help He will give it to you.
Lord Jesus, You see us today, where we are, and the difficulties we are facing or about to enter. We thank You that You are concerned and ever mindful of our needs before we even ask. We pray that You will help us to have a right attitude and spirit in dealing with our circumstances. When difficult times and situations arise, please lead and guide us in the path and manner we should go. We pray these things in Your wonderful name. Amen