Sharing the Word of Faith

"The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry;" Psalm 34:15 niv

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Location: Duncanville, Texas, United States

Janice is a Christian, wife, mother, grandmother and author. She writes fiction and non-fiction for adults and children, devotionals, short stories, and articles. She enjoys spending time with her husband and family, and her grandson is a pure delight. For previous author's interviews and other articles visit my Web site at:

Monday, March 10, 2008

God's Gifts

As parents, Harry and I provided for the needs of our children as they grew up in our home and while they obtained their degree from the University. We supplied them with the necessities of life: food, clothing, shelter, and more. But we went beyond the essentials and gave them other things they asked for or we knew they desired.

We took pleasure in seeing to not only our children’s needs, but their wishes also. If our daughter or son asked for something within reason, wasn’t harmful, was in their best interest, and if we had the money to spare, then most of the time we would tried to provide what they wanted.

Our relationship with our children is much like what Jesus taught his disciples and the crowds of people that followed him.

For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. . . . If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” Matt. 7:8 & 11 niv

Our son Harry Lynn, told us many years after the fact, that there were several times that he wouldn’t ask for what he really and truly wanted because he thought we couldn’t afford it.

We told him, “Son, if you would have only asked, we would have found a way to get what you wanted.”

All too often, as Christians, we are just like Harry Lynn. When we come to God for our needs, wants, and desires, we fall short in asking and believing that God will supply these needs. We believe He doesn’t care about our puny wants or desires. Oh, we know God can afford it, but is He really concerned with what we want? In our minds, on the scale of 1 to 10, we rate somewhere close to the bottom—we’re too insignificant. We are afraid to approach God. Surely, if we ask, He’ll just slap us down and tell us NO!

This is just what Satan would like for you and I to believe. Then we too, just like Harry Lynn, will not get what we truly desire from God. But the scriptures tells us otherwise.

God knew us before we were formed. The hairs of our head are numbered. He even knows the length of our days. The plans He has for us are already set, and yet, we have not because we don’t ask. God’s word tells us to come boldly before the throne and ask of our heavenly Father, and He will meet our needs.

When there is something that you truly desire from God, all you have to do is come in faith, believing that God will and you will see result. However, most times, we give up just seconds before God is ready to open the heavens and pour out that blessing we’ve been praying about. We need to remember it is much like the old spiritual, “He may not come when you call Him, but He’s always on time.”

Now go forth today in faith and believe that He is and He will!

Father, help us to remember You are mindful of us, where we live, who we are, and what we have need of. You do and will supply our needs if we ask. Help us to remember to seek Your face for needs and desires to be met by You, and learn to rely upon You and Your word as our source. As we go about our daily lives help us to look to you for your guidance and to realize you are the source of our strength. This we pray in the wonderful name of Jesus. Amen.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Scattered Pieces

My grandson Collin and I had Lego pieces strewn all over my coffee table. With the instructions open, Collin proceeded to build a spaceship, constantly scanning the pages as he put the pieces together. My job was to divide the gazillion parts in the various colors, shapes, and sizes, as he built the ship.

All during the process, his little eyes scanned the many pieces before him. Little fingers would snap up parts then position them in the right place, always referring to the manual for the next step. From time to time, he would hold up a piece for my inspection and say, “Grandma, I need another piece just like this. Do you have one.” Together we would diligently search through the sorted and unsorted pieces until we found the exact shape, color and size. Then Collin would resume building the spacecraft.

When Collin had finished the project, he was proud of his accomplishment. He stood, took several laps around the inside of our home, all the time, his mind and ship in space. Collin demonstrated the ships finer qualities and sleek design to his Grandpa and I, and of course, we ooohed and ahhhed.

Just like the Legos, when we come to God, we need to pour the many complex pieces of our fracture life out upon the table of heaven. God, the Master Builder, has a plan. He has an intent, a purpose, a design for the pieces of our lives. He takes the gazillion, fractured pieces and forms them into something beautiful and useful for His glory. After He is through with us, the angels rejoice over His creation. In other words, they oooh and ahhh over the beauty of what we have become.

All too often, we fail to realize our worth and cut short the potential of all that God has set out for our lives. He has the plan, he sees the pieces, and when His work is complete in us, we are whole. All we need do is come willingly and lay bare the scattered pieces of our lives. When we do, the Master Builder will shape and form us into his image.

". . .He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives. . ." Isaiah 61:1b

"Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter, we are the work of your hand." Isaiah 64:8

Father, help us to spread the fractured pieces of our lives before you so that You can bind them together again. Remind us that we are in Your capable hands and You will form us into something useful and beautiful. Help us to realize You are in complete control, and are the Maker of all good things. This I pray in Your Son’s wonderful name, Jesus. Amen